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Blasted heart - or fireworks, depending on your perspective Posted by Picasa
This is a poem about trying to reclaim a heart that was either never mine to possess or that never existed. That would be my own heart, of course.

Love’s Algorithm

Silent devastating devotion
Protocol in
Vicious suffocating emotion

Cold boot shut down
Humiliating dedication

Exacting out
Pitiless emotional bondage
Tethering up
Retractable reaction command

Cold boot shut down
Humiliating dedication

Ramping up now
Total overpowering indifference
Wrapping up tight
Love’s sweet lifeless tyranny contract

Cold boot shut down

Humiliating dedication

Re-designating master as slave
Dedication equilibrium

July 28, 2005

Carmen Provenzano funeral Posted by Picasa
Carmen will be missed

I've been to more than a few funerals but this one stands out among them.

The words that spring to mind are dignified, compassionate, respectful and sincere. For more on that read this.

That's what Carmen was, too. As well as humble, hard-working and possessed of a quirky sense of humour and a stubborn will to get things done.

These and many other good things didn't trip on the tongue.

Sometimes, dare I say it, people flatter the dead. It leaves me wondering why. Its not like the dead person will care or can do anything about unflattering things that may be said, especially if those things are the truth.

But today the truth was told by Prime Minister Paul Martin, Carmen's eldest son Frank and by Monsignor Bernard Burns of the beautiful voice. It was a shining, beautiful truth that moved many a strong man and woman to tears and to laughter through their tears.

Above all, it was a truth that bound a community firmly in love and in the joy of memories shared of a man who did great things in his time.

Like a cartoon show, tomorrow we will be back at each others' throats like nothing happened. But for today, we paused and remembered how much we have in common because of a man who loved deeply and lived richly.

Good-bye Carmen and welcome readers to my blog.


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