Damn the torpedoes

I just learned to play the guitar. At 2 a.m., after several shots of vodka, I learned the C and G cords on my guitar. Damn, I love that Johnny Cash strumming!

This is like the coolest night of my life. Way better than the first time I had sex.

Thanks Andréa. You're the best!

I don't even care that my fingers are on fire, I have to get up for work in three and a half hours and I still don't know my lines for the play. Those two cords are so totally MINE!

Now, if only I could get from one cord to the other it'd be ALL good!

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll have that down by the time you want to play at Loplop tomorrow - uh, later today. I am not sure I will even be able to type later today.
You go, Girl! Do you need any screaming fans? I work cheap!
Who doesn't need a screaming fan!?

Come scream at me at the Vagina Monologues either Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Consider it trial run. LOL

Hey, bring Canadian Mark and you are guaranteed to be amused. Even if the show sucks, you will be amused by his reactions.

Thursday is two for one day.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Mar 01, 11:49:00 a.m.  
*is finally able to grab a second and read your blog* Yay Carol! Sounds like you're doing alright. *hugs* Keep practising! We'll all rock the show this weekend!\

Copyright © 2006 Carol Martin.
All Rights Reserved.