Miracles DO happen

There we all were, standing outside the home of James Loney's parents.

Word had gone out that he would come out with his family to pose for a few quick photos at 12:30. All the national and local media was there.

The air was electric with expectation.

A reporter asked a man who came out to brief us if she could give James Loney a hug. Everyone laughed. I thought I would like to hug the man too. The young reporter looked a little embarrassed but she laughed it off.

Even the most seasoned and cynical of us were obviously affected by the idea of finally seeing this man we had all done our best to learn so much about in the past four months.

James Loney has obviously had a profoundly positive effect on everyone his life has touched and it was almost miraculous to actually see him walk out to the end of the driveway this afternoon.

There were about 50 journalists standing quietly waiting for him and his family to take their places. None spoke but a few quiet words, asking only very light, warm questions like, "did you get to wash your first sink of dishes yet, Jim?" or "what kind of pizza did you have last night?"

The family seemed shy and somewhat overwhelmed by all of us and the journalists equally humbled by the families' grace and warmth.

It was truly a heart-warming and miraculous experience. A rare gem of a story, filled with joy and love. It was the sort of story that keeps us all coming back for more and it was even more meaningful for me because I got to share it with a brand new colleague, one I haven't seen in 20 years (the one who got me into this in the first place) and I was able to get there because of a thoughtful call from another esteemed colleague.

I had been a little upset when I saw the galleray on SooToday. I must have misread something, because I had the impression that everybody just sort of camped on the lawn or the sidewalk until he decided to come out. I did stare at each photo for a long time, 'though, just as much a vulture, I suppose.

I'm glad you posted this, Shria. I would have loved to have seen this article on SooToday, though.

So, did she get to hug him..?
You probably won't see any mention of the fact that the media was welcomed and abided by the family’s wishes in every way because we assumed people would realize that 50 or so reporters don't generally show up at the same time at someone's house unless someone told them to be there.

As for the pictures, go ahead and stare. We were granted a rare and beautiful opportunity to share in a family's joy and tell a happy story. They wanted to share their love with the world. Go ahead and revel in guilt-free love and pure joy.

And no, the reporter didn't get to hug him this time, but I have a feeling she will have her chance another day.

Jim seems somewhat fragile and easily overwhelmed with all this attention. He has appeared to be the sort of man who would rather draw attention to a cause than to himself and seems a little bewildered by all the activity around him. I think he will be buffered from the general public and the media by a loving and gentle wall of family, friends and colleagues for a while.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Apr 08, 01:28:00 a.m.  
Very well said, Carol. Sincerely sorry it wasn't us who called to give you a heads up.


p.s. Yeah Yeah Yeahs; 'Show Your Bones' = classic. Go out now and buy it. Right. Now!
Hey DD... thanks.

As for the new Yeah Yeah Yeah CD, I'll finally have a day off tomorrow and will be looking for it here. If I don't find one in a store, I'll be ordering it online.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Apr 08, 12:30:00 p.m.  
$14.99 @ Music World. Best price in town. You won't regret it...way better than 'Fever to Tell'.

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