The laws of mathematics FAIL

I finally managed to set up my Gazelle exerciser. It works great and is actually fun, especially when I am armed with my MP3 player.

The problem is the math. It says I burned about 300 calories in about 45 minutes, yesterday. I know I didn‚’t eat more than 800 calories all day and my doctor says my body needs about 800 calories just to walk, breathe and think. So, why did I GAIN weight?

At lunch with a bunch of female friends on Saturday, one said she has been eating real fast food (like Big Macs, Wendy's Chili and Tim's pastries) for about a week and lost five pounds and she is older than me. I ate about half my salad with no dressing and saved the rest for dinner.

And don't say it's ratios either. About a third of what I eat is vegetables, about one third is complex carbohydrates from whole grains and one quarter is low-fat protein sources like chicken breasts and dry fish. The rest is fat-free or low-fat dairy.

I haven't had a Danish in many weeks, and seldom even eat chocolate now. There are no hidden calories sneaking into my diet. I even count the 20 calories a cup from the milk and sugar in my seven or eight cups of coffee a day.

While it's true that I only recently started working out seriously, I should have been losing weight all along (a LONG time) based on numbers alone. That's what my doctor said, “It‚’s simply a matter of math. Burn more calories than you take in and you will burn stored calories."

The math is STILL failing! Does he believe me, though – NOT!

This is incredibly frustrating. Will I never be able to go out in public in a swim suit, put on a short-sleeved shirt or wear something with a little colour?

Summer is coming on like a speeding train toward a broken track and I am afraid of having to spend yet another warm season watching from inside my car or on my computer in the basement as other people have fun in the sun.

Addendum: I AM SOOO HUNGRY I COULD KILL SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Apr 10, 10:55:00 a.m.  
I have noticed that these things can be severely inconsistent as far as calorie counting. I have went to the gym and it tell me between the eliptical and the treadmill that I burned 900 calories!
Jason Burns, MCSE
Make me a millionaire at
Wow, 900 calories. Between your gym's equipment and my doctor's 'formula' it's amazing that you didn't just disappear!


Said it before, saying it again. Your body knows you're starving it, and it's holding on to everything to keep you alive. Start eating normally and it'll start using the fuel you're giving it.

*wags finger* Now straighten up and fly right or I'll send Kyle after you with a mountain of sushi.
Wow, Sushi. I LOVE Sushi almost as much as I love chocolate.

Just three more hours on the exerciser and I'll have earned enough calories to eat something.

Okay, I'm off to bike to the tanning salon while Ami eats lunch.

I WILL be a lean, attractive, positive person.

Okay, I will more likely be on my face by day's end. Just wave some Sushi under my nose and I'll be right as rain.
Carol, muscle is heavier than fat. Which is why I work out before going to the Dr., so he doesn't pick on skinny-minnie-me. Do *I* look like I need to LOSE weight?! No. But if you're trying to get into shape, your weight is not necessarily what you should be concerned with. Throw the scale out and just eat right, and WALK EVERYWHERE.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Apr 11, 11:50:00 p.m.  
You've been getting some very good advice, here, Carol, especially about walking and eating more, not less.

Accept yourself, like those who love you accept you, and dump the self-torture with your digestive byproducts, because they are pretty much the same thing. Believe it or not, there are even some exotic pets out here who would enjoy the sight of you in less fabric!
*looks at Bear's response*
*sticks fingers in ears*


*runs away, wagging finger as usual*
Hooray for the excercise! I love it. I'm worried. 800 colories is not enough to get by on. That is why you are so hungry. Anything under 1200 as an adult female is starving yourself, especially if you are active. Who is this doctor? I am not trying to offend, I am just worried. 800 calories a day, plus workouts -- It could make you seriously cranky and sick.

At the point where you are trying to keep the calories low, it is important to make the calories count, so that you will not be hungry and so that you will be healthy. Have you tried It is addictive fun. XO
Hi Joan

I have not heard of but will check it out and have some fun with it. Thanks.

Part two of the doctor visits...

I had a physical on Tuesday. He said my blood pressure is up (140/100) and he ordered another cholesterol test. Last time it was a bit bad. I don't know how, though, since I almost never eat fats.

Efficient calories... yup, fish, chicken breast, veggies (usually raw), some fruit and low-fat dairy.

I told my doctor his math didn't add up when he told me I've gained about five pounds since my last physical about a year and a half ago.

He told me to kick start my metabolism by working out hard enough to keep my heart in the 130 range for at least 60 minutes a day.

This shortly after he said that my heart murmur is a little worse and he may want to set up another round of tests on it if the flutter gets any worse.

I am about ready to just give up and let myself go. I'll check out first though.
I have to agree with my lady-friend on this one. The best way to lose a spare tire is to get rid of the car. Hey! I just made that up!
Hey babe -- It's kinder to not go by the scale, but by how your clothes fit, how you feel. You know?

Hang in there. How about not strictly calorie counting but making sure you are eating healthily while excercising three or four times a week?

Heart murmur? I hope the checkup brings good news. XOX
I the doctor tells me good things too. He wants to see me again in a week.

I've decided to only weigh myself once a day at most, and not when I'm feeling vulnerable to it.

I try to work out at something and eat more than a thousand calories everyday. I have been successful at working out about four or five times a week at least 30 minutes per session. The calorie thing is a bit more of a challenge. I can't seem to eat more than 1,000 calories per day unless I 'binge' on chocolate or other junk food.

After promising myself I could eat more than 1,000 good calories a day I feel rather like I've failed yet again.

My weight, my body, the way clothes fit - all of these things have been a challenge to me since puberty.

I wonder if I will ever feel comfortable enough in my own skin.
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