The problem is the math. It says I burned about 300 calories in about 45 minutes, yesterday. I know I didn’t eat more than 800 calories all day and my doctor says my body needs about 800 calories just to walk, breathe and think. So, why did I GAIN weight?
At lunch with a bunch of female friends on Saturday, one said she has been eating real fast food (like Big Macs, Wendy's Chili and Tim's pastries) for about a week and lost five pounds and she is older than me. I ate about half my salad with no dressing and saved the rest for dinner.
And don't say it's ratios either. About a third of what I eat is vegetables, about one third is complex carbohydrates from whole grains and one quarter is low-fat protein sources like chicken breasts and dry fish. The rest is fat-free or low-fat dairy.
I haven't had a Danish in many weeks, and seldom even eat chocolate now. There are no hidden calories sneaking into my diet. I even count the 20 calories a cup from the milk and sugar in my seven or eight cups of coffee a day.
While it's true that I only recently started working out seriously, I should have been losing weight all along (a LONG time) based on numbers alone. That's what my doctor said, “It’s simply a matter of math. Burn more calories than you take in and you will burn stored calories."
The math is STILL failing! Does he believe me, though – NOT!
This is incredibly frustrating. Will I never be able to go out in public in a swim suit, put on a short-sleeved shirt or wear something with a little colour?
Summer is coming on like a speeding train toward a broken track and I am afraid of having to spend yet another warm season watching from inside my car or on my computer in the basement as other people have fun in the sun.
Addendum: I AM SOOO HUNGRY I COULD KILL SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jason Burns, MCSE
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