They were sitting in the Elmer the Safety Elephant van turning civilians away from the scene of a crime. The van was parked outside gate one of the Greenwood cemetery on People's road.
Police tape cordonned off about a third of the graveyard at the time and more groups of police showed up in about 10 minute intervals. By 10 a.m. there were five police vehicles on the scene.
Two unmarked surveillance vans, an SUV from the Emergency Services Unit and one of the big white unmarked Investigative Services vans were lined up along the road in front of the graveyard.
Meanwhile, three people came by walking their dogs at different times and each stopped to talk to an officer for a few seconds. One woman came up with a camera.
"I guess I won't be getting in there to take any pictures of birds this morning, will I," she said to Alix Mihailovich (MCTV) and I as she gestured toward the graveyard. She then went away from Alex and I to speak privately to a police officer. Alex and I stopped talking for a few seconds and both of us watched to see which way she went when she left. I guess there is a bit of predator in us, after all.
Another of those big white vans could barely be seen about 50 yards into the graveyard, partly behind some bushes. About five or six people could be seen circulating in, out and around the van.
Police spokesperson, and former high school classmate of mine, Jane Martynuk, said that two bodies had been discovered in there. She couldn't say what the gender, age or condition of the bodies were and they couldn't give any details about the man who was in custody and charged with two murders.
Later, while at home writing the story and processing the photos, I received a phone call from a reliable source who told me some things that I can't write until the story develops a little further. Now I am off to get my hair done and report on a meeting of the Board of Directors for Sault College. Tune in later for more on the story.