Discovering universal indifference
I have finally determined the depth and breadth of the universe's indifference to me and it is infinite. That is somehow reassuring. It squarely fixes the irrelevance of relating to others in the realm of reality. If there is a divine being, it is utterly unconcerned with my desires.
That is why I love the man I love. He is the embodiment of cold unresponsiveness to me. Regarding me, he is absolutely apathetic and I recognize the universal truth of his attitude toward me.
I wish I could write something clever and romantic like I will hold my love for him before me like a shield to keep the world at bay! or My heart is as a sword, tempered by repeated trials and it will cut anyone who tries to have me. But that would only work if anyone were trying to have me or to get through to me. I have finally gotten what I wanted all along...
to be left alone.
It is somewhat peaceful in a distant sort of way. I watch as my body goes through the motions... smile, shake hands, make pleasant small-talk, throw in the occasional personal fact or detail to give the impression that I am something like the warm contact-craving people I meet and talk to. The truth is that I am aware that truth is an illusion and facts are the only things that can be relied upon.
Fact: Love is a myth
Love is a myth and human beings only interact to control one another and the resources necessary for continued life or procreation.
Children appear to love their parents so their parents will provide for and protect them.
Men appear to love women so those men will advance their social standing and/or secure offspring so they can live forever in the genes of their future generations.
Women appear to love men to advance their social standing and/or so that the men will provide a stable and abundant environment for their offspring to thrive in so that they can live forever in the genes of their future generations.
Best evidence of all, our consumerist society proliferates the myth of love so that we will feel a need to buy more cars, smoke cigarettes and go on diets to look a certain way so that we can attract a mate of a higher quality than we are and advance our social standing or produce better offspring who are more likely to survive to breed future generations for us.
We even anthropormophize our animal companions, projecting meaning on their behaviours so that we can interpret those as love in order to protect that myth of love.
Action to arise from realization of that truth:
All that I do in life from this time on is aimed at making me stronger, more capable and more self-reliant. I will never rely upon another human being for any of my basic needs. I will meet my own needs or they will not be met. Relationships breed dependance and dependance is a weakness.
Stress is good for me. I must work until I am exhausted to become a better person (more self-reliant and independent). My performance of all tasks must become more efficient and less hampered by emotion. Correct and efficient action can only arise from pure, simple, thoughts that are untainted by feelings.
Peace, joy and play are unproductive, achieve no goals and are a waste of time. Quality of life is achieved only through accomplishment. I am what I do and nothing else matters. Not even him.
I reflect the indifference of the universe by acting purely for the sake of achieving my next goal as mindlessly and efficiently as possible, unfettered by the complications of sentiment and nostalgia. I am driven by a need to do and devoid of passion or pride. I understand compassion enough to appear to possess it but it is only skin deep.
My card of the day today: Ten of Poetry (Prophecy), when reversed: Being swept away by a feeling of spiritual intervention. Profound existential awe. Bondage to elemental forces and divine will. Predetermination. The burden of prophecy and commitment to serve the greater good. Awakening to the full scope and indifference of the universe
This blog is becoming tiresome and serves no purpose.
The universe reflects my love right back at me. The more I look for good, the more good I see. That does not mean that I don't see bad, I just attract less of it. I believe that we liein a universe of free will, what we seek, we shall find.
That's just what I feel.