I just can't believe it…

He is here. My sexy, hot, smart, sweet, compassionate, passionate, giving, kind, loving man is here. He lives with me. Wow. Cool.

I just can't believe it…

MY BASEMENT IS CLEAN! I mean, show people around clean. I mean come on down and check it out clean. So is the kitchen, Dana’s room and Nova's room.

I just can't believe it…

I'm as good in the bathroom as I am in the bedroom. I'm as good in the kitchen as I am in the bedroom. I am amazed at what my body can do.

Welcome home, Oh Sexy Guy of Shria's... when she's done cleaning, can you get her to CALL ME?
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Sep 08, 04:16:00 a.m.  
I am so happy for you! I think I will go now and do the happy Shria dance!! :-)
Sweetie, you're no less than the best anywhere you go. Yay for the happy!

We're trying to achieve some kind of tidiness here, but it's not working. What's your secret?
My secret is Shaun. I went out to work on Tuesday and when I came home the basement was almost finished. When I went out on Wednesday, the basement and both girls rooms were done. I think he has a staff of elves or something!

We even work well together. Yesterday he did my office while I was out and then we went to buy him a desk. We put it together last night and had a great time. The instructions were pretty poor and the desk is not designed for easy assembly but we did in a few hours, it turned out great and, rather than losing our tempers at any time, we had a lot of fun... especially when we broke it! (but we fixed it)
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Oct 01, 09:22:00 p.m.  
You're ugly
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Oct 01, 09:23:00 p.m.  
You're boyfriend's ugly too

What a petty idiot you are 'anonymous'. Not only are you a thief, a liar, and a coward, you have no taste and I really couldn't care less what you think of what we look like.

Shaun and I are happy together and you can only wish for such joy and fulfillment. Keep wishing, too, because it is highly unlikely that a shallow, pretentious fool like you will ever be able to find happiness.

Until you actually figure out who you are and start living your life with a bit of sincerity and truthfulness, you will be lost in the calculated image you portray and unable to even find out what could make you happy, let alone achieve it.

And if you post here again I will simply delete it and start spamming your blog. (Yes, I know who you are.)
how clean
I know it sounds cheap, NYC, but you have to understand... I opened my home and my heart to this girl who was in need of some help and she tried to ruin my life.

She tried to get my children, my home and my job taken away, all because I refused to buy her things, drive her places and do things for her any more. While she stayed at my home she stole from me, lied to me and lied to my friends about me. When I cut her off, she called Children’s Aid and said I was a bad mom, called my landlord and said I was a bad tenant then called my boss and said I was a bad reporter. None of them believed her and I am no worse for wear, now, but it was a pain to deal with at the time.

The girl is a turd I stepped in and needs to be wiped off my shoe before she actually manages to cause a stink. I will tolerate her no longer.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Oct 06, 05:37:00 a.m.  
wow! I will come there and kick some ass for you! I can't even believe that someone would be so low as to do that to you. Can't a person tell kindness? You didn't have to open your home, you had your own life - a person coming into your home and life should show respect - not try to wreck your life. Gee whiz! Well -- I think you're the best! I wish *I* could come and live with you - I could be so lucky! You're a sweetheart. That's what. Take care and let the twits twitter. You're honest, I like that. It helps me feel better too. So thanks for your blog.
Thanks Anonymous

You make me feel all warm and fuzzy! Hope you have a nice turkey day weekend and thank you for visiting my blog.
i love that particular spelling of Shaun as well. Like Shaun of the dead!
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