I HATE days off

The minutes are going SO slowly. I feel like I am in a daze. It sucks.

Somebody give me five things that are a matter of life and death and NEED to be done within the next hour. I haven't worked since about midnight last night and I think I'm slipping into a coma. Yuck.

My editor said I need some time off to de-stress after the Burtis story. I say let me work it off. It's not like I have any life other than work anyway. My kids are reasonably self-reliant (I type as Nova gets herself some chocolate milk) and like to do their own thing a lot. We are all good with it if I just put in an hour or so here and there giving them my undivided attention. It's not like I want any life other than work. I'll rest plenty when I'm dead.

If I had my way, I would never do anything but work and work hard all the time. My stupid grotesque body would not need food or sleep and it would mostly go away. I would be arms for carrying my camera, recorder, notebook and laptop (skinny arms). Hands for typing, taking pictures and recording stuff. A head to think of ideas and create stories. Eyes to see what's happening and ears to hear it. My mouth would be only there for asking questions and I would have a foot for driving with. That would be me - oh and I would be mechanized. No other bothersome squishy bits are needed and it would be peachy if they would all just drop of somewhere. I would feel nothing and be nothing but a reporter at work.

Well, I guess I'll go clean my basement a bit, figure out how to finish my desk by myself and wait for another story assignment.

The next time you get in this mood, would you be so kind as to CALL ME?! I need another set of hands, feet, and they do say that two heads is better than one, right? Hey, if you're looking for something to do, I have a list a mile long. Every day. "Short notice" works well for me, assuming, of course, that "no pay" works well for you....
I found a few things to do.

My computer desk is done and up (Thanks for your help Ben and Ami). My new computer is assembled and on it. I put in 55 hours of work from Monday to Friday even though Dave gave me Thursday off and I put together a cool birthday party for my 12 year old.

Okay, the birthday party was pretty frazzled but more on that when I finish and publish my draft posts from last week.
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