Not that you'’re detrimental or anything but...

Hopeless... as in without hope. As in not any hope in hell... the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks place. As in no expectations. No ideas of what will be or not be. No notion of what needs to happen or how things are supposed to be. You know that sort of feeling when you are just cool with what ever is happening. Sort of like peaceful or something.

Helpless... as in without help. As in I was helpless to assemble my desk. That is to say, no one was there to help. Does that mean it isn'’t getting put together? Hell no... as in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks place no. I am putting it together without help. It'’s just taking a while, but it's getting done and done right. Right therapeutic it is, too.

Okay, I'm REALLY tired now. It was nice to see an old friend, though.
Time to watch some CSI, eat something -- yeah I haven't done much of that lately, and have a drink before bed.

Now, why didn't you call me?! I went to work for that, you know!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue May 02, 08:53:00 a.m.  
I found the easiest way to assemble my new desk was to buy the floor model. Sure it's a little banged up but it was cheaper than the regular model and came prebuilt (just had to reattach the 3 sections with 4 screws.
Three sections, four screws... remind me not to sit on that desk. Okay, not like I would be sitting on it, but...

There is no way I would have gotten this monster home in my car once it is assembled. As it was, I had to fold down the back seat to fit it in the trunk. The girls are okay, though. They kind of liked the ride home on the roof of the car.
I can totally see Nova car-surfing.


It kind of frightens me.

So, Beltane ritual this weekend?
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 03, 08:46:00 a.m.  
Well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit and it might be 3 sections 8 screws. We jigsawed it into Jes' van with the seats out so it is a fair size. And as far as stability Jes was on it to hang my Favre autographed jersey and I have my 700 pd. 19" CRT monitor on it as well.

It's a lot sturdier than my old desk where I put a pop can on it and the thing would start wobbling. (That is of course because during a move from the basement to my newer office in a room upstairs we took parts off and didn't put back on, who knew they were supports?).
The desk I'm using in my kitchen for the computer is falling apart as I type and won't make it down the stairs to the new home office under construction so that's why I had to buy another one. Unfortunately, I didn't have access to a van or a truck to put an assembled desk into or I would have gone for the floor model myself.

Putting this one together is fun, though. It gives me an excuse to play with power tools. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to do it all myself. I will need help to get the desk right side up and put the assmebled hutch on top of it to screw in place.

I think I'll put on some of the good coffee and see if Les is still willing to help out later today or tomorrow.

I beleive I will be able to attend and participate in the celebration this weekend but my girls are at home so it will have to be quick in and out.

I'll call you or look for you on MSN later to find out the details.
Les is always willing - just ask anybody! ROTFL!
Okay, probably today. Hopefully.

Why in HELL doesn't 10 cups of coffee make me go anymore!?

Maybe I need better drugs.
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