Just Blow on it

Things are working well. Most things anyway. My desk is very nice again, thanks to the thing that works the best. My boy toy is turning out to be quite handy in so many ways. A bit of a handful at times but very pleasant to hang with. Good kisser too.

Looks like I'll be trading in my room-mate for a boyfriend. Turns out that Shaun is actually interested in me. Go figure, life is full of surprises and some of them are really, awesomely cool.

We even starting composing a song together.

I came in the Sault to visit my girl
Ended up with an oboe
The size of a sex-blister on my elbow

Just blow on it babe
Blow on it babe
That'll work

My man came in the Sault to visit
Ended up with a screw-oo
Underneath a honkin' huge desk that is blue

Just blow on it babe
Blow on it babe
That'll work

Okay, maybe it needs a little work but that's what we have so far. Better not hear anyone singing it, either! And maybe I better not give up my day job, either.

Pictures coming soon to a blog near you. Some may even involve oboes, sex-blisters and screwing under desks...
You two are supercute. Just sayin', is all.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Aug 01, 10:37:00 p.m.  
I can't testify to the cuteness, but I'm happy for you both. Enjoy the good times and don't sweat the small stuff.
Copyright © 2006 Carol Martin.
All Rights Reserved.