Who do you love!

I am still wondering how high it goes.

Three months ago I was wondering how much lower I could go in terms of as moods and self-esteem. Ami had turned my home into a living hell. I couldn't go anywhere or talk to anyone without a good grilling... "So, where did you go? Who was there? What did you do? Did you talk about me? Oh, I'm just interested in you and your life." What a load of horse shit. She was just interested in how much money, time and effort she could make me squander on her every whim. She was just looking for ways to pervert and ruin my children, turning them into twisted little images of what she thinks she is.

Now, I'm deliriously happy and wondering how much higher I can go. I come home to a man who loves me more than anything or anyone in this world and keeps surprising me with new ways to show me. He is my best friend, the best lover anyone could ever hope for and a terrific influence on my children. My home is peaceful and clean with no nasty surprises waiting for me. Instead, there is a loving, supportive man and happy children waiting for me when I get home from work.

I want to spend every moment of every day of the rest of my life with this man, even if we spend it sitting side by side, fondling one another while we work on our computers.

Oh! Mmmmmm... Yes, Sweetness! I'm done with this blog entry!

p.s. Thanks for the yummy sandwich, Shaun. And Ami, Shaun says to go get bent Troll Woman.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Oct 02, 05:27:00 p.m.  
I'm so happy to hear that you are happy. Though it means that you post a lot less on this blog. Hmmm?? LOL

It brightens my day to hear about your happiness. Thank you for sharing!
*sends love* I agree with Mr. or Ms. Anonymous -- your happiness is a day-maker. Squee!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Oct 02, 10:30:00 p.m.  
By the way, the comments you deleted that you thought were from "Ami" were not. There's a lot of poeple that think you're a stupid, ugly bitch. Get some help. I can't believe they've let you walk around on the streets for this long. Tatty bye!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Oct 02, 10:32:00 p.m.  
And one more thing... Grow up! You don't see "Ami" writing shit about you on her blog, which, by the way, is a hell of a lot better than this sad, pathetic, "poor me" recount of your sick and twisted life. Just go get it over with already. Nobody cares!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Oct 03, 05:44:00 p.m.  
Wow - some people are really mean. Well, I think it's pretty weird to get so riled up about whether someone else is a bitch or not. Hey, just avoid them. If they are a bitch, then they probably don't want you around either.

Here's to being a bitch once in a while! Woohoo!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Oct 03, 05:46:00 p.m.  
As for 'poor me' - well, it didn't come across that way to me. It's more like 'yay me!' - which is a nice change. This is a blog, for goodness sakes - it's all about 'poor me', 'me', 'what I like, did, want, screwed up, felt good about', 'me' and 'yay me'. Did I say 'me'? But mostly, when we're out feeling 'yay me', we don't post as much on the blog. LOL
Just to clarify something, I have never deleted a legitimate comment left on my blog. (Spam was a different story.) I let them all stand and let people draw their own conclusions. I invite and do not screen comments here so everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, including me. The only thing I ask is that you try to keep the profanity to a minimum.

Also, I left the link to Ami's blog on mine (Untangled Web) because I think it's a well-written and creative blog - creative being the keyword. Not a word of it is sincere. Ami's blog is very different from mine but that doesn't make it bad.

Also, there are many more people in this town who respect me than there are people who Ami has managed to convince of her lies.

And, thanks Anonymous 'yay me'. You raise some good points in a very positive way. Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Oct 04, 08:42:00 a.m.  
I'm glad to see you happy, dear friend. IMHO, the key to a good relationship seems to be that each partner feels luckier or more rewarded than the other(s), and wants to even things out. A bad relationship is one in which one feels cheated or unfulfilled, and thoughts turn toward getting more out rather than giving more back. Some people have been starved for so long that they can never feel full.

As for your anonymous sniper, this is an empty person who has chosen to try stealing some of the happiness you so richly deserve. Ignore her or him. I would also consider deleting Ami's link from your blog. You and she have obviously parted with some bitterness, and if you feel her blog is insincere, you do neither yourself nor your readers a service by advertising it.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Oct 06, 03:28:00 p.m.  
Hi, Shria
I have been reading your blog for a long time. Writing seems to be how you work through, and peice together, the parts of your life that are messy or unclear. I think it's a very healthy/strong thing to do.
So, really this comment is a 'thank-you for sharing yourself' note.
Now that you have a good support system helping you with your children and home, you have more time for moments of silence with yourself. This is a gift to you. Find your Truth, your strength. What do you want from this life?

Shaun is a beautiful man, loving and commpassionate. Your children are fine, your house is clean, you are loved-happy-safe. Lucky you. I think this could be a very powerful time for you. You. Yay you.
Happy Fall days --- beautiful changing colors.

Thank you SLB!
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