“… sad about being alone.” Bla-bla-bla. Yeah right, what an embarrassing post. As a matter of fact I may not leave it up there much longer so get it while its hot. Ha ha.
The last thing I need is a man. Anything he could do for me could be done with a tool. (I meant open a jar, duh!)
What I need is to get on with my life and quit feeling sorry for myself. I need to look after my kids, write some stories, edit and post some videos, organize some photos, wash some clothes and a few floors.
I do NOT need to be hugged or have someone to talk to. That’s just stupid. Could someone please kill me if I ever say I’m lonely again? Please?
Maybe there’s a pill I could take for it, or I could keep a bar of dark chocolate in a glass case with a little sign under it, ‘In case of getting stupid and feeling sorry for yourself, break glass.’
Really, this is about the whole self-worth thing. So what if I’m not very attractive and only mildly amusing? What I think of myself is much more important than what some man thinks of me anyway (or doesn’t, most times).
Its about burning up the time until this life is done. Its about filling every moment so full there is no time to feel or think.
Time to get busy and get on with forgetting about it.