Weird day, indeed!

After hunting for gas and paying $1.14 a litre for it at a place that was nearly sold out I headed for home.

Along the way I passed two guys pushing a loveseat down the street on a shopping cart.

"Gee, that's weird," I thought. "That loveseat has no cushions."

No, I didn't think is odd that two guys were pushing it down the street on a shopping cart, the first thing I thought was odd was that it had no cushions.

Does that say something about the way my mind works? If so, what?

The other weird thing that happened was me losing my nerve to do something.
I've been sort of toying with Reiki for a few years. Yes, I know that all you practitioners out there are saying something like, 'you don't toy with Reiki. It is liable to toy with you if you are inconsistent, non-committal and unwilling to invest your time and energy in it.'

But, here I am doing an occasional cleansing exercise, blessing my food when I remember and sort of trying to meditate once in a while. Toying.

About a week ago I bumped into an old friend who just happens to be a third level master, training to be a trainer.

I fully intended to go back to the group I worked with once before and tonight would have been a good time, especially since my friend is affiliated with them, too. I even drove by the house -- ON TIME. But when I saw all the cars outside, I just chickened out.

Me, I chickened out. That's bad. Not my style at all. Time to take this trepidation by the throat, slam it up against a locker and kick the shit out of it!

I think I'll find my Reiki manual and read it by Monday. Then I'll call the leader of that group I just ran away from to ask if I can come back.

And I don't just do news differently, I do Reiki differently, too! LOL

Hah! No quarter given to fear!
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