For the past two or three years I've been devoting my time, efforts and thoughts to people who are really total snobs. Even to today, the only time they would give me the time of day, let a lone credit or a thank you for work I've done for them is if they want something else from me. Sincere interest, concern or compliments -- NEVER. It has been a humiliating, degrading experience to sit alone in the bars and be ignored after all the support and promotion I've given freely.
Last night my friends and I went out to support local original music together. We had a great time and I didn't even care that I was totally ignored by the very people I've spent countless hours to promote and support.
Fluffy, Brad, Manda and Kyle were so the best. Fluffy was the best date I've had in two decades. He's funny, vibrant, enthusiastic and very attentive. I am very grateful that he was kind enough to come out with me.
After the punishment my self-esteem has taken over the past few years, it was refreshing and rejuvenate to find social sanctuary surrounded by people who actually care about me for who I am.