Another dream

I'm sitting with Maarit in a school gym, like in an elementary school. We are sitting in the back row of chairs closest the doors and we are the only two people in the room. She is to my left and on the aisle. She is holding and looking at a disposable camera I bought to shoot the show.

Chris, Craig, Lindsay and Ed are off doing what ever they do before a gig.

Suddenly Chris walks up and playfully takes the camera from Maarit. He snaps a picture of her and then turns and takes one of the empty stage. It is like the one at Loplops but is set up with red velvet across the back and sides. The lights, microphones, monitors and such are all matching, black and it is very neatly set up, with no tangles of chords visible.

Chris continues taking pictures of different things around the room as he and Maarit laugh and have fun with it. Neither of them react to me or acknowledge me in any way. It’s like I am an invisible watcher.

I get up to go have a smoke (which is odd because I don’t smoke). I light it as I walk toward the door I think leads out of the building. Instead this door leads to another empty gymnasium. As I walk through this room, the lit cigarette continues to burn but I am not smelling it or smoking it.

Again, the next door leads to another empty gymnasium but this one is darker than the last. As I walk through this room the cigarette burns to the butt and I put my left hand under it to catch the ashes but they fly out and fall to the floor as I walk.

When I reach the door I hear footsteps behind me and glance back. Chris is following me with my camera in his hand. I open the door in front of me to throw the still burning cigarette butt outside, wondering if this will finally be a door out but I wake up before I find out.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Nov 04, 05:28:00 p.m.  
Reading your journal is just as fascinating as knowing you. :)

Just thought I'd mention that.
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