Today on "The Sex Files" I learned about my vagina and about female sexuality. I learned that those orgasms are indeed different (as I’ve long suspected). Deeper is definitely different from faster, or the front-on feeling. Well, as far as I can remember, anyway. It has been a while.
Too long.
I want some more.
I’ve been a little frustrated about how long it has been since a man looked at me like he actually wanted to touch me not like I had cooties or something. I mean, I have the same equipment that other women have. Why are they enjoying rich sex lives while I have to settle with a rich fantasy life?
For the longest time I’ve been thinking it was a flat tummy or a nice pair of perky boobs that would do it for me… you know, make me attractive.
Thanks to the Sex Files I realized it all comes down to one thing… the brain. Believe you are sexy and you are sexy. If you feel attractive, men WILL be attracted to you, flat tummy or not.
So, do you know what that means?
We don’t have to starve ourselves anymore!
We don’t have to constantly compare ourselves to some unattainable ideal and find ourselves lacking. We don’t have to run out and buy what ever latest torture device they’re marketing as exercise equipment.
We don’t have to get up at 5 a.m. and kill ourselves on the treadmill or dodge the traffic anymore!
We are free to be our sexy selves and revel in it!
Can I hear an AMEN sister!
Vagina warriors unite and have another piece of chocolate cake!
Oh yeah! You go GURLZ!
Girls rule, boys drool!
All you perky-boobed, cellulite-free, flat-tummy gals can go eat cake now.
Are you gone?
I’m going jogging and by the time I’m done you should be the sagging, squishy, lard-assed old lady and I’ll be the Barbie Doll on your man’s arm.
Right. I blush at the drop of a hat!
Ah well. Since I am here and I am posting a comment, here's my two cents on the matter:
I think there's a lot to be said about the way humans can slough off emotion on each other. Take the other day in the mall when I bumped into you for example... You were in a bright and cheery mood, and because of that I had a good "bright and cheery" going on for an hour or so afterward. I was glad to see you, sure, but I especially enjoyed that you were in such an excellent mood.
So why shouldn't the same sort of thing work for that "I feel sexy" sort of feeling. I'm sure that it does. In fact, I believe this is the true essence of the Jedi mind trick.