I'm standing on a high hill on a bright sunny day. I'm looking down on a town threading thinly through a narrow valley between the hill and the ocean. There are many towers and tall buildings in the densely constructed town.
A man is talking to me but he is no where to be seen. His voice is mature, deep, warm and full of strength and quiet passion. There is a warm salty breath of air coming off the ocean that is glittering in the sunlight, as the man describes to me what is about to happen.
"A wave will come up as high as this hill and wash the town away," he says as the ocean seems to draw a deep breath before obliterating the town at my feet.
It is utterly silent and the water looks real but wreaks no destruction on the buildings. The wave rises up over the town, stands still for a fraction of a second and drops over the buildings, pouring through the empty town and filling the valley.
All this is steadily, calmly narrated by the unseen man.
The level of the water rises steadily and quickly to the crest of the hill but I feel no apprehension because the man's voice at my side was very calm and reassuring.
"The waters will rise to make a new shore," he said. "You are standing where the water will meet the land."
As I watch the in-rushing clean water swallow spires and roofs of the town below me, I am a little sad to lose this place of beauty.
The green hill I stand on is peaceful, fertile and welcoming, unlike the cold and fussy town submerging before my eyes and I am waiting to see what will happen next.