I spent the start of 2006 driving in my car.
With a deeply empowered feeling of self-reliance and independence, I split the scene at Loplop about 11:30 just to make sure I wouldn't be there for the humiliating 'kiss everyone around you' thing at midnight. I knew about five people in the bar and didn't want to kiss any of them.
So, next year I am staying home. I am keeping my kids at home and staying there with them, no matter how much better their father and his girlfriend are at that whole family thing.
I let them stay at their dad's this year so I could go out to work. The assignment was to visit a few bars and get pictures of people having fun on New Years Eve. The Downbeat was closed. I wasn't going to go into the River Rock or Foggy Notions, especially not alone. That left Loplop and Docks. Dave said he was going to do Docks so I checked out Loplop, although I was told not to come back with only pictures of that place because I had just done a story from there a few days ago.
But, that's where I found Robbie, the cartoonist. At least I got a story for later out of the evening so it wasn't a total waste of makeup. I'll use the photo and interview as an advancer for his upcoming book launch.
I also decided to take a picture of myself because I am not likely to be wearing a skirt or a belt again any time soon, and definitely NOT with white print on it. The picture, the skirt and going out were all HUGE mistakes.
Holy ugly woman!
This will be my before picture and there won't be any more pictures of me until I've lost at least 30 pounds and hacked off those freakishly huge boobs. Nope, sorry Les, no pictures of me in Mexico and most certainly no pictures of me in a bathing suit. I really can't believe how disgustingly HUGE I am and why do my friends try to tell me otherwise? Do they not realize I own a mirror?
I could afford to be fat if I were some sort of cute, smart, clever, talented or something but I'm none of those. What I am is grotesquely matronly. Ugh, it's true. Curse of all curses. I am matronly. Fat, dull, ordinary and uninteresting.
That's it for this stupid blog, too.
When I actually have something worth writing, I will. Until then I'll be starving myself and working out.