Just one more entry that has to be made before I leave.
It's good to eat my words.
The Webb family has a little band they call Webb Surround. They are Bill (Dad), Claryssa and Todd (son and daughter). Mom, Peggy, is the taxi, cheerleader, booking agent, and general all around support person.
Every year they busk at the Cambrian Mall and hold other functions to raise money for charity in addition to their paying gigs.
When I went to cover their donation to the soup kitchen, Peggy asked me how my Christmas was between songs. I told her it was pretty subdued because my friend is dying of cancer. She expressed her condolences and we went on to talk of other things. It wasn't particularly intense or anything but it was nice.
Just now, she called me to say that Webb Surround would like to raise money for the charity of Michele's choice and Claryssa would like to go play for Michele if she is up for it.
Unfortunately, Michele is not up for a serenade but Webb Surround will be raising money for the Cancer society to help me remember Michele.
So, even though some stories have a sad ending, they have happy moments made brighter by the generous spirits of folks like the Webb family.