A short one today
I'b sick. Yuck and damn. I really wanted to go see Craig and Ed. I actually miss them and the gang at LoplopJust a few words about some treasures I found while in Cuastecomate and a few pictures to illustrate them.
Treasure number one was found (initially with his or her tail intact) inside Fred's trailer hitch. The little sweetie was curled up and sleeping the afternoon away when Fred decided to hook up his trailer. When the skink was startled it up and ran away, leaving a piece of its tail behind. He or she did let me get pretty close, though. I crept up and took a bunch of photos then gave him or her a pat on the head before he or she skittered away.
Then Dana discovered treasure number two, a young iguana, dozing in the afternoon shade on Fred's wall. That one was kind enough to pose for pictures until Fred called me for my dorado filleting lesson.