Things we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish. -- Plautus
My eyes are shut tight and I am fully NOT expecting the man I love to kiss me today. Fingers are crossed. Toes are crossed. Breath is held as I do NOT expect him to kiss me.
Okay, the diet pills are kicking in and I can't sleep. I've moved all my furniture, washed and waxed my floors, its 1:20 a.m. and it's really very sad. Although I won't be thin enough to have fun in Mexico, hope remains that some day I may be thin enough to attract his attention.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha
Yeah, like that will EVER happen.
Whew, maybe I should just have fun with my life as it is. He probably snores like a cat in heat howling for some lovin' anyway.
Nah, that second pillow is staying in the basement and I'm sharpening my own knives until my last breath is drawn. Good enough for me.
Tomorrow I'll be taking the last daily dose of diet pills a lot earlier in the day and trying harder NOT to think about Michele.
She is so much on my mind I'm beginning to lose it... okay, continuing to lose it, maybe just in a different direction.
Nope, I still DON'T want to go to Mexico but we're nearly ready.