This is it. Tomorrow is *ARGH* Valentine's Day.
Oh Lord how I HATE that day. Christmas doesn't even come close as the most reviled of holidays.
But this year, I'm going to take a different approach. Nova is seriously into the whole idea of Valentine's Day. She begged me to buy and put up decorations, put out candy and even get her some new pink clothes to wear for the party at school.
How I ever ended up mother to the girliest girlie girl in the world I do not know but pink does look nice beside black, anyway, so I'm good with it.

Last week I paid someone $20 to plow my driveway very well. It was a man, but it could have been a woman driving the truck for all I care. I don't even know what the man looks like. All I have is a phone number, a first name and drop off location for the cash. Don't even need to talk to the man. Just put in a call and the driveway is done when I get home. Doesn't get any better than that.
The knife sharpener I bought a while ago cost $14.95. The jar opener I picked up at the dollar store for, guess what, a dollar. If we really must talk about sex, there are some very interesting toys to be had for pretty cheap.
I need a man for what?

This year the theme for Valentine's Day in my house will be uncomplicated.
I definatly don't get out enough.