For the love of instant mashed potatoes

I like instant mashed potatoes.

Yes, I've openly admitted it. I like instant mashed potatoes.

Now, of course this raises the issue of looking at the ingredients. I am afraid to find out how many calories there are per serving and how big a serving really is because I have a feeling I would find myself sitting and staring at a three table spoon serving thinking, 'Do I really want to use up 400 of my 800 calorie a day diet on this!?'

And point number two of ingredient lists... sulphates. I am very sensitive to them. They are everywhere. I bet it's number two on the ingredient list after potatoes. That, of course, would be why I like them so much.

I guess instant mashed potatoes are a lot like love. You have a taste and want more. Then you find out what goes into it and want to stop wanting it.

Tell you what - you give me all your instant mashed potatoes. I'll give you all my cigarettes. Whoever lasts longest without committing murder wins. Deal?
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