"Edward Asselbergs developed the first powdered instant fish, cheese and meat in Ottawa," says Valerie Wyatt in the Kids Book of Canadian Firsts.
"The new foods were not a hit – they were lumpy and hard," she says. "Asselbergs solved the problem by adding instant potatoes, which he also invented."
Also in the year I was born, and a few weeks after my birthday of June 22, The Trans-Canada Highway was officially opened.
A box of instant mashed potatoes to the first person who correctly guesses the year I was born… anyone who already knows is disqualified, though.
A bonus box of instant mashed potatoes is on its way to Canadian Mark for putting me on The Premium Canadian Blogs poll.
Thanks Mark.
I've been assigned the task of tracking down the Champions gang for chargen/general discussion. Any chance you're available ce soir?