This is very much a matter of structures and dimensions that have become too small and narrow for us. Convictions and basic principles of life could be affected by this, as well as our thoughts of security in the professional and financial sense.
Last but not least, our personal friendships and other partnerships could also be influenced.
In every case, the Tower stands for a concept that used to give us a reassuring measure of security, perhaps even a feeling of safety. But now we have grown out of it. These old concepts are usually toppled by surprising experiences, sometimes even true flashes of genius.
Since this is a matter of the supposed basis of our security, these sudden changes are often first experienced as catastrophes. It is only when the first shock has been overcome that we sense with relief that we have been freed from old burdens. This breakthrough can be triggered through our own perceptions as well as external events.
The I Ching says in this regard: "The storm with its thunder and lightning overcomes the disturbing tension in nature."
What are the bricks in the walls of my tower?
What are the beliefs and thoughts that I held to be so self evident as to be completely and independently true, even without testing?
I won't get that personal here, but to say that many structures are crumbling.
I am tired, though, and may have to let the bricks lay where they fall - some for a while, some for good.
Fitday.com is working fairly well for me despite the lack of support I'm getting for my efforts to improve myself. I just wish there was more time for working out earlier in the day, when I have the energy to do it.
I've decided to focus more on what I can do and less on how bad I look, though. I feel like I am fighting a battle I am doomed to lose. I had SO much work to do and time is just not helping.
In other news, everyone should go and see the art show at the Art Gallery of Algoma running only until Saturday. I just hope the Queen will forgive me for missing her opening. The work is very good. I saw it being hung.
(Also, the tarot card in this blog entry is from this site. The woman pictured in the site looks just my friend of many years, Michele, who died of cancer this February 23. She taught me to read tarot cards 24 years ago. I still have the deck she taught me on.)