Four of Cups: You not only have gifts at your disposal, you are being offered another at this moment. You are focusing on an idealized concept that does not exist at the expense of current happiness.
Why is it that when I am all nice and comfortable being married to my job some man always has to try to come between me and my beloved work?
It's okay, though. This one is so not serious. He's been saying he wants to be with me for about three years now and doing nothing to make it happen.
Okay, in all fairness maybe I could have been doing something to make it happen. Especially since he is so perfect for me.
He is sweet, compassionate, passionate, sexy, an awesome lover, smart, interesting, talented and capable. Best of all, he is 511 miles away... just over eight hours of driving.

He is so perfect for me. I get to say I'm committed to him and avoid relationships here while knowing there will never be more than the occasional conjugal weekend between us. I can call him 'boyfriend' instead of 'bonk buddy' and no one will be the wiser.
As I said, perfect. He'll never have the chance to really know me and come to despise me.

No risk, just a very hot sex pod up my sleeve.
Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Be aware of using the cycles of the wheel to neglect personal responsibility. Keep in mind the things that are within your control and do not blame circumstances for mistakes that are truly your own. You could miss out on important lessons and opportunities for growth.
From Llewellyn Web Tarot
I'm sure The Pirate of The St. Mary's would play a lovely haunting aire on his bagpipe just for you.