Hey, would you look at that! I made two blogs in one day. Nothing in forever and then two in one day.
I'm still not moving forward though. I'm THE most obstinate ass I know.
You know, I always thought I would have made someone a good partner.
When I was married I thought I could be a good partner to my husband if he ever came home long enough to notice me. Before I was married I thought I could be a good partner to someone when I found the right one. Now that I'm not married any more I think I could have made someone a good partner but that opportunity has passed.
Am I avoiding life by realizing that the man I am live-die-and-do-anything-for in love with is head-over-heels-happily-ever-after in love with the woman of his dreams, that she is perfect for him and that I am happy for him because his happiness means everything to me? Maybe. Maybe I would have made a good partner for a good partner for me. Maybe life is avoiding me by making my perfect catch a catch 22.
I am feeling weak and lonely. I must keep myself more busy and avoid emotional entanglements of any kind at any time, especially at vulnerable times like this.

The outcome of the matter.
You have dallied with desires and fancies that kept you distracted from your path, from doing what you know you must. It is time to turn away from this shallow comfort and forge ahead.
-- Llewellyn Web Tarot
Yeah, right... I'm gonna do that right now. NOT! (§hria digs in her heals and brays like the ass she is!)
What do you WANT...? GO GET THAT.
(and don't take "no" for an answer)