Also, about 50 people came out for a memorial honouring Melody Burtis and her son Harley Baxter-Burtis who were kidnapped and brutally murdered on April 20.
After the event, some of Melody Burtis' friends told me they believe rage is what motivated Albert Ouimet to change the license plates on her car before breaking into her neighbour's house to steal a knife he intended to use in the planned abduction and murder of Burtis and her son.
Her friends said Melody was a very strong, positive and vibrant woman. They said she had gone through some hard times and been the victim of abuse in the past and would have had nothing to do with Ouimet if she had known about his violent past.

Ouimet was attracted to vivacious, slender and beautiful Melody Burtis and they went out a couple times but Burtis wasn't interested in him. Just like she had told several other grieving would-be suitors who were at her memorial, she told Ouimet that she wasn't interested in having a boyfriend, that there were things she needed to do for herself before she could get involved again.
That enraged him and he began to hate her. Melody's best friend said that Ouimet began to stalk Melody after she told him there couldn't be anything romantic between them. But Melody didn't take it seriously and didn't call the police.
I'm having trouble not personalizing this story. A lot of my experiences with men have been very negative.

This is not to say that all the men who were grieving the loss of Melody and her son today were abusive but at least one of them was. It is also not to say that all women with low self-esteem are targets for whackos.
What I am saying is that the rage that I have seen on the faces of some men who have said they loved me made me sure that even one bad apple CAN spoil the bunch. At least for me anyway, and certainly for Melody.
Although I had always hoped that I would some day find a partner I could be happy with, I have come to accept that I will not and plan for a life without a significant other. Stories such as the one about Melody Burtis and her son Harley Baxter-Burtis reinforce that ideal and sadden me greatly.
I feel deeply for Harley and Melody's friends and family. There are many who loved them dearly for their joy of life and beautiful dispositions.
The murders make me very tired. I want to tune out and go away for a while. I want to be blissfully ignorant and enjoy time playing with my daughters. I want to think about nothing more than what kind of cake to bake for Dana's birthday next week or what to serve for dinner when my parents get home from Mexico in a few days. I want to see the inside of my eyelids for about 18 hours and I want to drink a bottle of vodka.

As the father of Melody's children said, "The truth WILL come out."
Maybe my truth is that my ability to become involved with and maintain a healty relationship with a man as a partner was damaged beyond repair long ago but I can still have a happy and fulfilling life with family, friends and work.
After all, why would I let some man interfere with the wonderful relationship I have with my job?
My thoughts have been put into words. I would like to slip into another dimension, one that doesn't include this horrific crime.
Thank you for writing about this story. It's so very important.