In regards to work, sometimes life is a dog’s breakfast but I am hungry for justice and that's why I rant and rage against authority. (Thanks Jason LOL).
In regards to my relationships, or one in particular, there is the smallest little voice in me that cries out, 'Run away while you still can!' Its evil twin shouts, 'Traitorous wench, you are giving up your independence and letting a MAN in. EWWW!'
I think about things like having my nails done and want to scream. That really and truly isn't who I am. I am a dirty-handed-doer. I am not a pampered-bungalow-bunny. I can NOT be a desperate housewife. I must keep my hands in the dirt. I must have reason to keep raging against authority. I must…
Did anyone else hear that?
I swear I heard a little, tiny crack.
Really, it sounded like a crack in my cosmic egg.
I wonder where it will lead. Will I be brave and forge a new life as a partner of my own creation, or will I become what the bunny he seems to want? Then again, maybe I will take the easy way out and run screaming into the woods, longing for another safe, fantastic infatuation. After all, the fantastic infatuation sustained me in relative sanity for the past three years, didn't it? Didn't it!? DIDN'T IT!!!?
Oh my. Apparently I've found another crack.
Sorry, to make light of things, Shria - but don't we all (always) worry about exactly this? Well, maybe it's just me.
Go be what you want to be. Bring him with you. It'll be grand. Yes it will.