Ring on my finger

As I type I am glancing at my fingers on the keyboard and there is lovely antique silver Celtic band on my finger where Shaun put it before he left for Mississauga on Friday.

It represents his promise to return and make this real.

I don't want to type any more about it for fear of cursing what feels like a very good thing.

Suffice it to say I am afraid, excited, happy and deeply satisfied for the first time in a very, very long time. That also may explain why I look so tired in this pictures of us.

Fingers crossed. Breath held.

Chant the mantra: I deserve to be happy. It's okay to love and be loved.

And note to self... get a haircut! Sheesh.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Aug 06, 11:50:00 p.m.  
Woo hoo! Your friends are all pulling for you, Carol. Go for the gusto!
Ahhh... to feel the love. To really feel the love. I hope you all the best. *smile*

Did I mentnion "squee"?

So cute. Clearly, your boy is wallowing gleefully in smit. As he should be, since you're so smittable.

In other news, I have to get in touch with you soon, in part so I can pick your brain before I go sending media kits to everybody and his uncle. I figure targeted = better.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Aug 09, 05:08:00 a.m.  
I am so very happy for you... words cannot express it.

much love and joy to you
*giggle* Make that a schoolgirl giggle! I think Dana is going to explode pretty soon. She keeps vacillating between 'awe that's so cute!' and 'Oh MOM'

Shaun calls every day. I love talking to him. It's good. Great. But I miss him and have trouble sleeping without him here.

It feels like a month since he left and when he was here it felt like he had always been here. At the same time it all felt highschool crush brand new. Yummy.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Aug 16, 07:49:00 p.m.  
Good luck with that. It's great to be loved (and love back :).
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