Who are you and what have you done with my mom?
I rested a lot yesterday to recover from the hectic job of covering a municipal election, which was a lot of fun though I am very disappointed to see Debbie Amaroso gone from the Council Chambers for a while at least. I hope she finds her way back as soon as possible in what ever capacity she can.
This morning I awoke full of energy and grilled a cheese sandwich for Dana's lunch. The first one turned out perfectly and I didn't even have to feed it to the dog and make another as is often the case. I decided to attempt pancakes for breakfast, too. Again, all perfect. Not a batch burnt.
You have to understand, I am actually a very good cook but it is just my thing to burn one in three grilled cheese sandwiches and pan full of every batch of pancakes (from scratch too - no mixes needed here).
So, I didn't even have to call the kids to the table twice this morning. They sat down all brushed and dressed and ready to go about ten minutes earlier than usual. Pancakes and grilled cheese sandwiches smell good in the morning.
As I flipped her second pancake onto her plate while humming a little tune from Sesame Street, Dana looked up at me suspiciously and said, "Who are you and what have you done with my mom?"
I surely cracked up and she ducked before I klooned her with the frying pan when I recovered from the laughter.
"Okay, it's you," she said as she smoothed back her hair from ducking under the table. "I feel better."
The girls got off to school in plenty of time and I had the dishes washed and fresh coffee on for Shaun when he came out of the bedroom a short time later. The man has learned it is best if he just stays out of our way on school mornings and usually pops his head out when the battles have subsided.
We had a great breakfast and nice long shower as well. It's nice to conserve water!