Things are wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
My sweetness is still my well-tooled, pool-boyish quintessential dream come true. Better yet, Shaun has grown to become a second dad to my girls in just seven months of blissful co-habitation. I never thought it was possible to spend as much time with a person as I do with my beloved and not hate him or her. Not only do I NOT hate him, I love him more each day.

Feeling loved has also given me new confidence to try things I wouldn't have tried before. It has made me feel sexy and secure, beautiful and alive.
There is a slight tinge of guilt. How many times have I said to my daughters that they are responsible for their own happiness and need not rely on a man to make them happy? A freakin' way lot of times. That's how many times. I have even told them not to place love of a man before their careers, independence and ability to provide for themselves and their dependents.
But it all comes down to this... I am WAY INFINITELY SUPER UBER TO THE MAX AND Extremely more happy with him than I was without him. And that goes for all the time. Sleeping, awake, showering, alone, with him, with others... always. It's like his love for me came and put my life up a notch or two.
And the kids came up there with me. So did the pets.

Oh, and he says he made himself a lot happier being here with us as well.
Just by being us and being together.
We are planning our wedding for that some day after he has found a job and we have bought a house.
But all of that seems so insignificant when seen beside him here with me right now doing what ever we want.
Happy birthday my beloved!
Kyle and I miss you guys. We've been up to our ears in the play, but it'll be over this weekend. We'll have to figure out an appropriate hangout time sometime soon.
BTW, any chance you'll make it to the play?